Massage can have many benefits for your dog, both physical and mental. These include improving circulation, decreasing heightened muscle tension, aiding recovery from an injury or operation and decreasing inflammation commonly seen with Orthopaedic conditions such as Arthritis. Below are some things you may see with your own dog after massage.
Improved Mobility
Happy to go on walks again, got their zest for life back
Improved Muscle Tone
Returning the resting tone back to normal helps reduce the risk of injury
Reduced Anxiety
They may be less anxious travelling in the car or from noises such as fireworks or thunder
Reduced Stiffness
Finding it easier to get up from lying down. Better gait and movement
More Social
Happy being petted or groomed, seeking out your attention. Wanting to engage or play with other dogs
Resolved or Reduced Lameness
Not limping anymore, able to jump in and out of the car or on the sofa
Your dog may benefit from clinical massage therapy if they show any of the following:
Become stiff or old before their time. Unusual posture - roached or sway back.
Have an Orthopaedic condition such as Arthritis, Hip Dysplasia, Spondylosis and Luxating Patella.
Drop in performance or refusal to work (knocking poles or coming out of the weaves etc in Agility).
Recovering from an injury such as a muscle strain, joint sprain or operation such as Cruciate Ligament Repair.
Seem withdrawn, loss of interest in play or human interaction and affection, not wanting touch. Struggling with stairs or getting on the sofa.